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e(art)h essence cards

plant spirit wisdom

In these busy modern times, we have forgotten the old ways of being in right relationship with the world around us.  It is always communicating with us, but our ability to listen or feel it has been undervalued.  Plants are often admired for their beauty or what they do, and it can be tricky to get past our conditioning to make a relationship and tune in to the medicine of plants.  When I say medicine, I mean their spirit offerings – their wisdom is beyond mind and often surprising.  Worldwide, cultures that practice the old ways have shared in the knowledge of the plants as well as their enormous generosity.  They have always provided our essentials - air, food, shelter, clothing, medicine, our lives depend on the plants, but rarely do we get out of our heads long enough to feel and recognise their deep care and their spiritual wisdom. They are our Elders and hold much wisdom. 

These images are a way of engaging with plants to get to know them in a different way, my intention to show their spirit as well as their beauty.

The e(art)h essence cards are companions on the path.  Like the plants they watch over us and often know what we need before we know ourselves.  Their healing is gentle and encompasses understanding beyond conceptualisation.

These images take a snapshot of the vibrational imprint of the plant at full bloom to offer insight to our energetic, emotional and mental bodies.  They are at once an offering and a doorway. Vibrational or energetic medicines can attend to the underlying imbalances in our lives and provide support at a subtle level of our Beings.  Their subtleness can be very powerful and transformative.  Images and symbols work in mysterious ways that bypass the intellect to connect with the depths within.

Each of these plants have been photographed in their natural environment on Karta (Kangaroo Island, South Australia).  As a wildcrafter I am interested in what grows in my backyard, which includes natives and introduced plants, weeds do not exist in this context – all plants have medicine, just like people. Karta is the Ramindjeri name for this place meaning ‘stairway to star heaven’, another name for the place is Karta Kau Kau Kungarr which means ‘blessed are those that listen’..  It is a pristine environment where the land is strong with much to teach and share.

You may notice these images have a resonance that I hope will connect with your heart – this is the language of the plants – they speak through the heart. Their intelligence is embodied and shared through feeling.
