


e(art)h essence cards

e(art)h essence cards


wisdom and insights from the plants

The e(art)h essence cards are companions on the path and a way to connect with the great mystery.  Created through the dreaming and plant relationship these highly resonant images carry a depth of symbolic knowledge that can be accessed through our sense of natural attraction.

Like the plants they watch over us and often know what we need before we know ourselves.  Their healing is gentle and encompasses understanding beyond conceptualisation.

Each card is a snapshot of the vibrational imprint of the plant at full bloom to offer insight to our energetic, emotional and mental bodies.  Vibrational or energetic medicines can attend to the underlying imbalances in our lives and provide support at a subtle level of our Beings.  Their subtlety can be very powerful and transformative.  Images and symbols work in mysterious ways that bypass the intellect to connect with the depths within.

Cards are a tool that can be used in various ways –

You can lay all the cards out with image facing up and see which card you are most attracted to. Turn it over, read and contemplate your plant wisdom for the day.

Sit in quiet space, ask a question, set the cards in front and in that space and be drawn – this is a way for divining – what medicine to bring in. 

For those that sense through feeling – put hands over the cards and see what they sense.

Another way is to pick one card at a time and notice what is going on in your body as you hold it – to create personal experience.  Through exploration you can learn what your system needs support for.

All images are made with plants on Kangaroo Island. Original images by Ky Alecto-Mukari.

16 cards in a pack

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